Monday, November 01, 2004

Hi All

Well the recent news is that my holidays were taken up with my uni assignment which I thought would never end. After all the statistics and other bollucks I PASSED!!!!! I thought I would definitely fail but indeed I even surprised myself.
I also bought my wedding dress in the holidays and my Mum and I were just looking around and I found one. Well, I just have to get my act together and organise the rest of the wedding now.
School is very busy and I can't wait till the holidays. It's just nuts at the moment.
Jack is well and just won himself 3 national championship medals in his shooting competition in Adelaide. He also won 2 gold medals in state teams also.
My shooting is coming along. I hadn't really trained in 3 months and I went to a competition last weekend and came second after shooting a Personal best. I was quite pleased.
The house is coming along with the landscape nearly there. We had the bobcat in and made ourselves a drive way and in front of our patio we put top soil and hopefully lawn will be there in a week.
Well must fly, keep the letters coming in.